1. eeewww that skinny girl is disgusting not how you should look that is not attractive at all >:(

    1. Dude shut up, it is a mental illness. She could've got bullied into her thinking shes that fat. ITS NOT HER FAULT. Do yourself a favor and just leave because you commenting like this is just so mean and pathetic.

  2. its suppose to be a movie like shes skinny but thinks shes fat...duhh

  3. This is really dumb, it isn't a fail, it isn't funny, it is just sad. @matt please, maybe she has been bullied for being too fat...

  4. This is based on Bulimia or Anorexia Nervosa. It's how people with eating disorders tend to see themselves in the mirror, they are blind to what they actual look like. So before you judge, get your facts right.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This isn't a fail or anything. If anything, I personally think she looks attractive in the mirror reflection. This is sad. Do you understand that? She feels as if she's fat and over weight, so she starves herself, and she still views herself as fat. Do you think this is a photo shop or some shit? Well, it isn't. This photo is attempting to say the truth. I hope she realises that she was beautiful the way she was.
